Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Logistics Management Essay

He costs of satisfying customer demand can be significant and yet, surprisingly, they are not always fully understood by organizations. One reason for this is that traditional accounting systems tend to be focused around understanding product costs rather than customer costs. Whilst logistics costs will vary by company and by industry, across the economy as a whole that total cost of logistics as a percentage of gross domestic product is estimated to be close to 10 per cent in the US1 and in other countries costs of similar magnitudes will be encountered. However, logistics activity does not just generate cost, it also generates revenue through the provision of availability – thus it is important to understand the profit impact of logistics and supply chain decisions. At the same time logistics activity requires resources in the form of fixed capital and working capital and so there are financial issues to be considered when supply chain strategies are devised. Logistics and the bottom line Today’s turbulent business environment has produced an ever greater awareness amongst managers of the financial dimension of decision making. The bottom line’ has become the driving force which, perhaps erroneously, determines the direction of the company. In some cases this has led to a limiting, and potentially dangerous, focus on the short term. Hence we find that investment in brands, in R&D and in capacity may well be curtailed if there is no prospect of an immediate payback. Just as powerful an influence on decision making and management horizons is cash flow. Strong positive cash flow has become as much a desired goal of management as profit. For example, many successful retailers have long since recognized that very small net margins can lead to excellent ROI if the productivity of capital is high, e. g. limited inventory, high sales per square foot, premises that are leased rather than owned and so on. Figure 3. 1 illustrates the opportunities that exist for boosting ROI through either achieving better margins or higher assets turns or both. Each ‘iso-curve’ reflects the different ways the same ROI can be achieved through specific margin/asset turn combination. The challenge to logistics management is to find ways of moving the iso-curve to the right. Logistics impact on ROI Logistics and the balance sheet As well as its impact on operating income (revenue less costs) logistics can affect the balance sheet of the business in a number of ways. In today’s financially-oriented business environment improving the shape of the balance sheet through better use of resources has become a priority. Once again better logistics management has the power to transform performance in this crucial area. Figure 3. 3 summarizes the major elements of the balance sheet and links to each of the relevant logistics management components. Balance sheet Assets Cash Logistics variable Order cycle time Order completion rate Receivables Inventories Property, plant and equipment Liabilities Current liabilities Debt Equity Invoice accuracy Inventory Distribution facilities and equipment Plant and equipment Purchase order quantities Financing options for inventory, plant and equipment Fig. 3. 3 Logistics management and the balance sheet Cash and receivables This component of current assets is crucial to the liquidity of the business. In recent years its importance has been recognized as more companies become squeezed for cash. It is not always recognized however that logistics variables have a direct impact on this part of the balance sheet. For example, the shorter the order cycle time, from when the customer places the order to when the goods are delivered, the sooner the invoice can be issued. Likewise the order completion rate can affect the cash flow if the invoice is not issued until after the goods are despatched. One of the less obvious logistics variables affecting cash and receivables is invoice accuracy. If the customer finds that his invoice is inaccurate he is unlikely to pay and the payment lead time will be extended until the problem is rectified. Inventories Fifty per cent or more of a company’s current assets will often be tied up in inventory. Logistics is concerned with all inventory within the business from raw materials, subassembly or bought-in components, through work-in-progress to finished goods. The company’s policies on inventory levels and stock locations will clearly influence the size of total inventory. Materials handling equipment, vehicles and other equipment involved in storage and transport can also add considerably to the total sum of fixed assets. Many companies have outsourced the physical distribution of their products partly to move assets off their balance sheet. Warehouses, for example, with their associated storage and handling equipment represent a sizeable investment and the question should be asked: ‘Is this the most effective way to deploy our assets? ’ Current liabilities The current liabilities of the business are debts that must be paid in cash within a specified period of time. From the logistics point of view the key elements are accounts payable for bought-in materials, components, etc. This is an area where a greater integration of purchasing with operations management can yield dividends. The traditional concepts of economic order quantities can often lead to excessive levels of raw materials inventory as those quantities may not reflect actual manufacturing or distribution requirements. The phasing of supplies to match the total logistics requirements of the system can be achieved through the twin techniques of materials requirement planning (MRP) and distribution requirements planning (DRP). If premature commitment of materials can be minimized this should lead to an improved position on current liabilities. Debt/equity Whilst the balance between debt and equity has many ramifications for the financial management of the total business it is worth reflecting on the impact of alternative logistics strategies. More companies are leasing plant facilities and equipment and thus converting a fixed asset into a continuing expense. The growing use of ‘third-party’ suppliers for warehousing and transport instead of owning and managing these facilities in-house is a parallel development.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Goal Setting and Time Management Essay

Learning to manage one’s time effectively and to set appropriate and reachable goals is important for becoming a successful student. Setting goals will help you to become more effective in your academic life and career, and balancing your goals every day will help ease stress. Each of us is motivated by something, whether it is the desire to excel academically, find a better paying job, or simply learn. This motivation is what helps gear us every day to do the sometimes difficult tasks we face on the road to success. By understanding our motivations, we can stay motivated to reach our goals even when we feel stressed or rushed. But how do we go about this? First, evaluate your motivation. What do you want to achieve by attending school? Why is achieving this important? Think on a larger scale and get more specific. For example, if your motivation is to start a new career, begin examining why this change is important to you. Do you want to make more money? Maybe it’s to provide a better lifestyle for your family. Do you want to work in a particular field? Why? Begin making a list of goals and personal motivations. Secondly, once you’ve evaluated why you want to achieve your goals, think about what the needs are to achieve them. Think in terms of a large, medium, and small scale. In addition, these goals might be set for the short-, mid-, or long-term. You must prioritize your goals by importance; larger goals can be divided into smaller goals. This will help keep your goals in focus and manage them so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Using the acronym SMART is a great way to keep your goals in focus. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. The goals you set for yourself, no matter how big or small, should be specific. Avoid making vague statements like â€Å"I’d like to do well in school.† Instead, define what well means and specify what that would look like. A specific goal would be â€Å"I’d like to maintain a 3.8 grade point average.† In addition, your goals must be measurable. As mentioned above, your goal must be specific so you know exactly what the manifestation of your goal will look like. You must also consider how you will measure if you’ve reached your goal. Using specific numbers or deadlines can help you measure your goals. Remember that your goals must be attainable. Setting goals that are impossible to achieve or have an unreasonable deadline will only be discouraging. Creating small, manageable tasks that lead up to a larger goal is the best way to stay motivated and achieve your goals. Setting goals that are not relevant to your larger goals or do not provide any sense of accomplishment is also counterproductive. If you have many small goals that relate to your home life, when all your larger goals pertain to your career, you may end up feeling discouraged and may not accomplish all you’d like to. Try to tie your goals to a timeline. If you do not accomplish a task in full by the end of your timeline, you can always continue with a new timeline, but providing a deadline for yourself will help keep you motivated and accountable. Once the goal is reached, use small motivators that are important to you to keep spirits high and moving toward your major goals. The small motivators can be something as simple as an ice cream sundae after a major project, or a nice dinner after completing a course. Whatever the motivator, make sure that it motivates you to keep at the task at hand. Remind yourself often of the goals you have set for yourself and the rewards you have set up along the way to keep it at the forefront of your thought process. Once you have your SMART goals, there are many ways you can note and keep track of your goals. Staying organized will help you reduce stress and track more easily. If you are organized and prioritize important tasks first, you can avoid the stress of having to constantly address issues and last-minute problems. Being organized can also help you avoid missing details or important information in a task, which could result in having to repeat the task or spend more time fixing an error. Use all tools available, including technology where appropriate, to help organize these goals. Today’s smartphones are a great way to organize your goals and keep track of the timelines set to accomplish them. They are with you all the time and allow you to make changes and updates quickly. More traditional day planners are another way you can stay organized with your goals. Whatever method works for you, stay diligent and you will find it beneficial to the success of your SMART goals. Spend quality time on a task and you will be less likely to have to fix it later on. Don’t spend your time making lists of daily tasks like brushing your teeth; instead, focus on tasks or goals you’d like to achieve. This can be daily, short-, mid-, and long-term goals. Break down your time into intervals, with time set aside for specific tasks. Leave time at the end of your day to address tasks that may have come up that are not in your schedule or to address tasks that had to be moved to accommodate an urgent matter. When determining what time to spend on what task or goal, it is important that you understand when you do your best work. If you are a morning person, consider scheduling more difficult tasks and goals around this time, rather than in the evening when you are tired. Maybe you do great work in the afternoons. Try to arrange your schedule so you can complete tasks around this time. Not only will your work quality be better, you will be more efficient in completing it. Some people choose to do a daily journal, noting their progress on each of their goals. Others might make to-do lists, which they can check off with each completed goal. In addition, you might find a calendar system helpful. Try out a variety of methods to see which works best for you. Sometimes a combination of methods might end up being best. There is no right way to track and manage your goals, but finding a method that works for you is important for success.

Monday, July 29, 2019

LIterary Analysis, Bioethics, Psychology, Sociology, and History of Essay

LIterary Analysis, Bioethics, Psychology, Sociology, and History of Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro - Essay Example This has required the readers to scrutinize the cultural supposition on the subject of human humanness, and to countenance intricate questions: what it means to be human. How humanity can be defined. The novel has led to the many research; the literal research can be as follows: bioethics, sociology, and psychology of the book. The book goes through past the boundaries of the literal novel, by gripping the mystery of the beautiful love story, wounding critique of human insensitivity, also in the moral examination of people tend to treat the fewer fortunes in our different society today. The book can be analyzed, and we can easily come up with various themes, which can educate our society of today, starting from, the sociological and psychological and history of the book (Whitehead, 55). The history of human cloning started, from a group in the New Castle University who took eleven women (Whitehead, 54). They took their genetic resources and replaced it with DNA from the developing stem cells. The project was to make the cloned embryos from which the stem cells could be used to cure the diseases. The stem cell lines are produced by taking the genetic materials of the patient and putting it into the eggs that donated by the donors. The resultant egg, therefore, became a perfect match for individuals, and used in treating disease such as diabetes without any problem of rejection. The therapeutic cloning believed to have a huge potential to cure diseases, and disabilities in people, therefore, allowed in Britain. On the other hand, the reproductive cloning, this is the cloning of human embryos with the intention of creating a baby. It has become illegal since 2001 (Toker & Daniel, 164).Let me go as been enormously received extremely received, critically, and included t he curriculum courses of various colleges in both, Britain and the United States of America, it has also been include the secondary schools

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International business .....what relationship, if any exists between Essay

International business .....what relationship, if any exists between business processes and culture - Essay Example Business processes are therefore dependent on the culture within which the business operates which gives the business environmental acceptance and adaptability and therefore giving the business a performance measurement tool. Culture has in any case direct effect on implementation of projects hence their success or failure. Since process business projects require activities that are complex and cross-functional it follows that the success or failure of such projects lies in how the company and its stakeholders respect the shared values and beliefs. Culture tends to link the producer and the consumer at the market level through a mutual interaction and recognition of the values and beliefs shared between the producer and consumer of the product or service. It should be notable however that since consumer values and beliefs is exponentially elastic and depends on their perceived value of the product or service placed in the market it is for the companies to adjust the business process alongside the consumer national or global culture. It is therefore true to say that there is a strong relationship between culture and business process which is manifested at the meeting point in the market.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Participate in a Research Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Participate in a Research Study - Essay Example Many of the questions were asking about current situations as well as one that the participant remembered from their past. The strengths of this study were that it only took about 15 minutes and it was done online. This way, the study could be random and they could take as many participants as possible. Because it was online, they were able to take people from all over the world. They also provided links to therapists that could help if the participants had any challenges with their feelings after the study as well as the email of one of the researchers. The only weakness of the study I felt was that the sections were too long in some situations. There were several times that I felt like I just wanted to stop instead of going all the way through to the end. In the initial page of the study, the researchers gave information about any ethical considerations. The study had been approved by their ethical committee and they said participants could leave a study blank if it made them feel uncomfortable. They also gave links to counselors because they said that it could be that one would feel some anxiety or distress in answering some of the questions. They said that the survey was voluntary and that the participant had the right to withdraw participation at any time.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The movie Maria Full of Grace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The movie Maria Full of Grace - Essay Example Maria, Frida and Tita are women that become faced with challenges in life and had to make hard decisions. In Maria Full of Grace, the character Maria is the main character becomes faced with difficult situations in life. Maria Together with other two girls, engage in transporting large quantities of cocaine, from Colombia to New York. At a tender age of 17 years, the young Colombian girl becomes forced to go into selling drugs after she remained the only daughter her family depended on. Despite her harsh economic status even after quiting job from her previous employer. In addition to her problems, she still got pregnant and refused to marry the guy. With increased financial pressure coming from both sides, Maria decided to make a terrible decision. Maria decides to join the Cocaine business as a transporter while in her pregnancy state just to raise money for the up keep of the unborn and her family. In comparison to Tito in the movie Like Water for Chocolate, she also became faced with challenges that made her take appropriate choices. In the beginning of the movie, one could realize the undying love Tita and Piedro had for each other, though her mother, Mama Elena did not consent their union. Piedro ends up marrying his eldest sister, Rosaura. Tita continued her pursuit for her lover by ensuring she cared her nephew after birth more than her sister. Her mother on realizing how Piedro and Tita came closer each day due to the Rosaura’s child, she arranges for Piedro and Rosaura to move to a distant place. This stressed Tita as she was deeply in love with Piedro and his son. The main character in the film Frida, also proved to be a strong willed woman. Even after getting polio, getting involved in an accident, she still manages to pull herself together and learn how to walk. It is her determination to walk after such an accident that shocks many. Furthermore, after recovery from the hospital, Frida manages to walk, but in pain. Are they fit choices or no t? From the three movies, a lot could be derived from the hardships they underwent to become what they did. These women hard to make tough choices some of which were inimical while others good. Tina after struggling with Mother Elena in life and even after life with her ghost, eventually becomes freed from the snare of tradition to marry her true love Piedro despite the many challenges that stood on her way. Tita knew that her eldest sister became forced to marry Piedro in an attempt to obey traditions and hence still persisted knowing Piedro will do in response. The story hence is a love story of two lovers that became bound to be together for life and afterlife. The main obstacle to Tita was her mother, Elena whom hated her. For instance, even after getting hurt after raiders injured her, she still refused food brought to her by Tita, eventually dying due to ingesting overdose of emetics. Tita’s choice of loving Piedro for life proved a terrific idea. For instance, after Pi edro and his wife moved to San Antonio with their child, it died since it was deriving its love from Tita. In as much as she was the youngest in the family, she treated her mother well, though her mother treated her badly. In the movie, when she becomes tormented by the ghost of Elena, she made a decision to condemn it. This ended up badly as Piedro became consumed with the dying flame from the ghost. Another decision Tita made was telling her husband John of her undying love for Piedro. John accepts, but just tells her to decide. Tita eventually agrees to get married to Piedro which they end up enjoying their passion to death. Maria engages in the illegal

International human resource management mini essay

International human resource management mini - Essay Example Multinational companies often integrate corporate social responsibility into their business model, which regulates the actions of the firm. In short, corporate social responsibility guides a corporation in having a positive impact in all its activities. This impact is based on how the company treats the environment, its consumers, its employees, stakeholders, communities and other members of society. Through corporate social responsibility, companies develop and promote their principles and standards. These principles and standards are for both the internal and external actors. The International Labour Organization (ILO) considers corporate social responsibility as a company’s contribution to promoting decent work agendas to its employees. This principle is central in ILO’s efforts of promoting progress in the economic and social realms (Deakins, 1995, p214). The ILO has set standards for CSR policies, which guide companies in developing their principles Several incidences concerning the violation of working conditions among multinational companies prompted the ILO to promote the improvement of employees working conditions (Sengenberger, 2006, p32). The Bangladesh incident in 2013 resulted in heated discussions concerning the labour standards among workers of multinational companies. This is not the first case where multinational companies have provided poor working conditions for their employees. In the past China and Vietnam have had similar cases, where multinational companies provided sub-standard labour conditions for their employees. The ILO popularized Corporate Social Responsibility as a way of improving the labour standards of multinational companies (Sachdev, 2011, p121). To ensure minimum labour standards are met in international trade, the ILO has integrated a social clause in all trade agreements. However, developing countries oppose this clause despite its

Thursday, July 25, 2019

GEOL - Meteorology and Space Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

GEOL - Meteorology and Space Science - Essay Example Scientists almost proved that more greenhouse gases appeared in the atmosphere after the industrial revolution and with the development of the technology. Heating effect is dangerous for human life, moreover global warming causes many other problems such as rising sea level, undesirable change of climate etc. The given paper will discuss the potential causes and consequences of global warming and try to find possible solutions. Actually, some scientists do not believe in global warming. Some people consider it to be a myth. In order to define if it is really a myth or a real phenomenon, it is important to implement scientific research. Moreover, according to some researchers, the global warming is a phenomenon that was not caused by industrial revolution as it was met before: â€Å"Global warming is not a 20th century phenomenon. It has, in fact, occurred in the past more than once, along with periods of extreme cold known as the ice ages. With so much written and reported about global warming, sometimes its difficult to detect which is fact and which is just part of scientific scare tactics† (Fiset). There are indicators, which are used by scientists to control the climate shift, the main of them are temperature and sea levels. Researches made certain conclusions about the changes in temperature during the last 1,000 years. The 20th century is characterized by frustration of temperature. Between the1960-1970s the earth underwent the period of cooling, but still in general the average temperature increased. The temperature is increasing by 0.1-0.2 oC every ten years. â€Å"Keeping planetary warming below two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) would, it was thought, avoid such perils as catastrophic sea-level rise and searing droughts. Staying below two degrees C would require limiting the level of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 450 parts per million (ppm), up from todays 395 ppm and the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Community issue story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Community issue story - Essay Example It strongly believed that internet would greatly facilitate local business and increased connectivity would help in planning and execution of programs and projects. Most importantly, Wi-Fi connectivity would introduce new opportunities of innovation in learning, job avenues, government transparency, economic growth etc. The Wi-Fi public internet has increasingly become a major facilitating agent for higher productivity for businesses and citizens alike. The convergence of information technology and communication has emerged as vital ingredient of new age hyper-connectivity that significantly promotes sustainable growth. While many local businesses, especially restaurants and coffee shops offer free internet services to increase their clientele, CID’s new venture is already expected to generate around $400,000 from tax. It is expected that $30,000 would be spent on Wi-Fi and same amount would be used as operational expenses for the pilot testing (Barker, 2012). The benefits of Wi-Fi in downtown areas would increase not only CID’s credibility and impact its economic goals but it would also considerably decrease the digital divide across people coming from different demographic segments. Wi-Fi connectivity on a pilot test basis would help contribute to the viability of the project and expose it huge relevance to businesses, public welfare, government departments and impact on their performance, students and academia in general. The huge benefits of internet connectivity through Wi-Fi promote greater awareness about the myriad businesses and services within specified areas. In the Columbia downtown, free Wi-Fi would hugely aid local entrepreneurs and businesses to attract new customers. At the same time, CID and local government can promote new welfare schemes, programs and policies and seek public feedback for improvements. The free access would also allow students to access necessary information and expand academic knowledge. Report

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Labeling Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

Labeling Theory - Essay Example This theory deals with the relationship of the individual with the society. This theory is based on the concept of 'Dramatization of Evil" which argues that an individual must look at all stages of the deviant's life from childhood to adulthood, so that the individual can understand the nature of a crime. Based on the works of Tannenbaum, Howard Becker developed the theory of labeling also known as social reaction theory. Labeling theory was outlined in his 1963 book "Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance". Labeling theory was evolved in a period when there was widespread social and political power struggle which was developed within the world of college campus (pfohl). During this period many of the college students and faculty embraced liberal political movements and Becker harnessed this political influence and associated it with the labeling theory and its symbolic interaction theoretical background of Lemert. Becker has shaped his theory based on the prevailing social reaction approach of Lemert, symbolic interaction foundation of Cooley and Mead and the labeling influences of Tannenbaum and Lemert. Charles Cooley used the personal perception of individuals through studies of children and their imaginary friends to explain the human nature and the social order. The theoretical concept of Cooley was developed based on the idea of an imaginary sociability in which people are characterized to imagine the view of themselves through the eyes of other people living in the society. People based on such imaginary observations form judgments of themselves. "The main idea of the looking glass self is that people define themselves according to society's perception of them." Works of Mead combined with the ideas of Cooley formed the foundation for labeling theory and its approach to the acceptance of an individual of a label forced by the society. Pfohl is of the view that the work by Mead is more focused on the macro-level process of distinguishing the conventional and the condemned, rather than a micro-level approach on studying the deviant. Wright has observed that Mead describes the "perception of self as formed within the context of social process." The self is identified as the product of social symbols and interactions of the perception of the mind. Wright points out that the self exists in objective reality and is then internalized in to the conscious. "The idea of shifting the focus away from the individual deviant and looking at how social structure affects the separation of those persons considered unconventional has a great influence on how Becker approaches labeling theory." Frank Tannenbaum studied juvenile participation in street gangs for presenting his own approach to the labeling theory. Tannenbaum observed a different deviant behavior among the juvenile delinquents and conventional society. This different behavior causes the 'tagging' of juveniles as delinquent and separates them from mainstream society. This stigma of delinquency attached to the juveniles forces a person to move more towards deeper non-conformity. Even though Lamert does not recognize the influence of work of Tannenbaum in developing labeling theory, many other social reaction theories have been worked basing on the Tannenbaum's postulations. Edwin Lamert not quite comfortable with theories that take the concept of deviance for granted has diverted his focus on the social construction of deviance. Lamert has considered deviance as "the product society's reaction to an act and the affixing of a deviant label on the actor." According to Lamert it is the initial incidence of an

Monday, July 22, 2019

Declaration of Independence and I Have a Dream Essay Example for Free

Declaration of Independence and I Have a Dream Essay Thomas Jefferson’s â€Å"Declaration of Independence† and Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† are texts that have a common denominator: the pursuit of liberty. Although both documents do not focus their context in the same historical moment, both have greatly influenced the history of the United States. Specifically, Jefferson’s purpose with the â€Å"Declaration of Independence† was to denounce the offenses suffered at the hands of Great Britain and to finally declare their absolute independence, sovereignty and liberty. On the other hand, Martin Luther King’s speech, â€Å"I Have a Dream† exhorts people to end the discrimination towards Negroes and finally, their freedom. In the â€Å"Declaration of Independence†, Jefferson employs a very clear and concise language. He used this powerful language in order to use it as an instrument of social and political change. His wordplay is a very persuasive and strong one. The language of the â€Å"Declaration of Independence† is more complicated because it is a document written in 1776 and some of the words written in it are not used so often today. In the speech I Have a Dream, Martin Luther King also used words of strong connotation. It is a speech written mostly in the form of sermon, which is influenced by King, who served as a Baptist clergyman. Both texts employ a highly persuasive language that is mainly directed to their respective audiences. When we analyze the â€Å"Declaration of Independence†, we can realize that Jefferson makes a list of statements to prove the absolute Tyranny, which is present over the States. He uses these to persuade and convince the audience. Also, he repeats phrases such as â€Å"He has†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"For†¦Ã¢â‚¬  to emphasize the facts he is presenting. Basically, the â€Å"Declaration of Independence† is a deductive argument, a form which begins with a principle and is followed by details, examples, and reasoning. Finally, â€Å"I Have a Dream† is the union of many literary techniques. King’s use of repetition in phrases like I have a dream and Let freedom ring emphasize the yearnings of Negroes and present what they mainly seek. It is a work which alludes to the â€Å"Declaration of Independence†. It also has lots of metaphors and analogies. The â€Å"Declaration of Independence† focuses its content first in its preamble, in which are written the most important and basic principles of the Declaration. Then, it is followed by a list of charges against the King of Great Britain, which are directed to demonstrate his tyranny among the States. The conclusion says that they must avoid such tyranny and declare that they have their sovereignty and therefore, their freedom. â€Å"I Have a Dream† mainly focuses on the complaint of the disenfranchisement of Negroes and the exhortation to change. Is a social proposal, a breathtaking and inspiring speech in its content. Finally, we conclude that there are more similarities between the Declaration of Independence and I Have a Dream than differences. They are texts that encourage the masses to enter and begin social movements in order to fight for their rights. These are inspiring and encouraging texts that reflect the feeling of the huge majorities in the United States. Synthesizing, the language is complex and compelling, both are full of literary techniques, and the content is social, and aimed at the masses in order to pursuit their liberty.

How to Essay Example for Free

How to Essay Mmmhm Can you smell that? The aroma of gooey gorgonzola cascading down a mount of al dente bow tie pasta. Have you ever been stuck in a rut and had no clue what to cook for your date or in general? Why not cook pasta? Not just any pasta, but bow tie pasta with creamy gorgonzola sauce that will take your taste buds on a ride! Mmmhm Now let me take you on an excursion through culinary excellency and show you step by step how to make this exquisite meal and some tips how to make your meal extra special. There? s no such thing as pasta without a boiling pot. To achieve the best taste pallet possible out of this dish I use my lucky ceramic boiling pot. You might think, why isn? t that silly, a lucky ceramic pot. Well just like how singers and actors have there lucky charm, I have my pot to make this pasta dish extra special. Once you get the pot on the stove you want to make sure the stove is set on high to ensure that the pasta gets cooked fast and easily and add about two cups of water and a dash of salt for ?avor. In a few minutes you would start to hear the sudtle POP POP of the water and that? s your que to add the bow tie pasta. Now there are many varieties of bow tie pasta to chose from but when making it with gorgonzola sauce you want to choose one with crunch to controvict with the creaminess of the gorgonzola and the best pasta for this job is ronzoni because of its low sodium level. As soon as the pasta is in the pot, i get to work with the sauce. For this you? ll need a nice chunk of gorgonzola cheese,milk,pepper, and of course butter to add that fatty taste to the sauce. Put all of these in a separate pot than the pasta and set the How to do essay ~ stove to medium for a slow and easy cook. Slowly the cheese disappears into a thick blue and white sauce. The aroma of the cheese slowly creeps into your nose causing you noseHere comes the hardest part. The agonizing and tantalizing wait for the pasta to cook.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Slow Learners In Malaysia Education Essay

Slow Learners In Malaysia Education Essay Abstract- Current trend indicate that learning through the use of application and courseware had become important teaching method. However, it is different case for slow learners. As most schools slowly adapting the more effective teaching method, they cannot keep up with the flow. Even though there are courseware developed for the slow learners, the courseware is far from fulfilling their specific needs. Statistic shows that in a US typical classroom there will be 3 or 4 slow learners. In areas of poverty and many low-income urban areas, the children per classroom who could be characterized as slow learners might be twice that number. The characteristic of the slow learners are often described as immature in relations, find it difficult to solve complex problem, work very slowly, can easily lose track of time, unable to perform long-term goals, and have poor concentration skills. However, they are very good with hands-on materials. This paper will present the development of coursewa re made to teach English for the slow learners. Keywords-component: courseware; slow learners; English; Introduction Background Slow learners are no longer rare cases in Malaysia. However, they are not categorized as people with special needs. Some might confuse the slow learners with dyslexia. However, both terms are different. Dyslexic will have difficulties in learning to read and write despite having same learning process and effort with others. For slow learners, they do not do well at schools or task that require extensive reading, writing, and mathematic but they perform great outside class especially in hands-on tasks. They will need extra time in completing the tasks given. Because of their characteristics, slow learners are always left behind as they cannot catch up with the learning process gone through by other kids. Even though new technology has been developed to enhance learning process, they are left out because it is not suited for their learning needs. This project is intend to enhance the English courseware specifically for the slow learners in way that will serve their learning needs which is different from other kids. The courseware will be focus on non-linear techniques to make it flexible and more conducive for the slow learners. As there is not much of courseware developed for slow learners, the product of the project will significantly bring the learning process for the slow learners into new level and brighten the hope for them to learn like normal kids. Problem Statement Teaching slow learners isnt same like teaching normal kids. Teaching them require different methods and approaches because of their characteristics. As learning process moving on taking advantage of computers and internet, slow learners are left behind because there are no specific learning applications for them that will suit their needs especially in critical subjects such as Science and Mathematic. There are lots of courseware in the market out there but it is too little in numbers and it is far from perfect. This new courseware to be developed will be a great tool for teacher to teach English to the slow learners because it will enhance whats already in the courseware and make it better. Objectives and Scope of Studies Objectives The objective of this project is to enhance the current English courseware from Mohd Izzat Helmi Bin Yahyas English Courseware for Slow Learners project and will be specifically designed for the slow learners so that the learning process will suit their needs. Because of their characteristics, the courseware will need careful designation.. The courseware will enrich English learning process which already in the current courseware and make it more interactive and flexible. Scope of Studies The project will involve the study of slow learner behavior and courseware development. The result of the study then will be analyzed to develop and enhancing cognitive skills training that will be integrated with the courseware so that the target to teach slow learners can be achieved. Target group of the courseware will be primary school student in Standard 4 to Standard 6 (10-12 years old). The courseware will be developed as a game to teach General English. Literature Review Game-Based Learning Marc Prensky (2003) says that since Pong is introduced in 1974, the unique expertise that game designers have honed to a superfine edge is player engagement: the ability to keep people in their seats for hour after hour, day after day, at rapt attention, actively trying to reach new goals, shouting with glee at their successes, determined to overcome their failures, all the while begging for more. Along with the new technology that had been developed in recent years, games had become more than just entertainment, it had evolve to become the medium of learning. In Digital Game-Based Learning (Prensky, 2001), explain that children nowadays are different from previous generation where they grow up with digital technology and their minds are changing to accommodate the technologies with which they spend more time. From there, it is clear that most children nowadays from different gender, ages and social groups spends most of the time with video games. Many experts see the values in video games as a medium of learning. Its true that this children love games more than schools but their attitudes toward games is the attitude of the learners; passionate, cooperative, and actively involve in problem-solving. Research by Zyda (2007) argue that computer games are an engaging medium for learning, since games can stimulate cognitive processes such as reading explicit and implicit information, deductive and inductive reasoning, problem-solving, and making inferences from information displayed across a number of screens To define game based learning will be quite complicated because there are several different opinion on the matter. Kirjavainen(2009) define game-based learning as field of research and game design based on observations that play, structured or unstructured, conditions the human brain for transformation and learning. Wee Hoe Tan(2008) defines game-based learning as form of learner-centered learning that uses electronic games for educational purposes. However, the concept of game-based learning is still the same; the use of game with the defined learning outcomes for the purpose of learning. Kasvi (2000) lists the seven requirements for effective learning environment as: Provide a high intensity of interaction and feedback; Have specific goals and established procedures; Be motivational; Provide a continual feeling of challenge, not too difficult to be frustrating nor too easy to create boredom; Provide a sense of direct engagement on the task involved; Provide the appropriate tools that fit the task; and Avoid distractions and disruptions that destroy the subjective experience. Kasvi (2000) suggests that computer games fulfill all of these requirements and believes that they satisfy them better than most other learning mediums. By looking at how the Western world had utilized game as learning module in classroom, it proves that the statement is true. R.V. Eck(2006) explain that games like Civilization, SimCity 4, Cruise Ship Tycoon, and Roller Coaster Tycoon had already been implemented in classroom. People might be skeptical at first glance. All these games have prove them wrong. For example, in Roller Coaster Tycoon students build roller-coasters to different specifications, which is what engineers should do. By extending the gameplay with basic learning process like calculus physic knowledge, it will make a valuable learning experience. Slow Learners in Malaysia In Malaysia, dyslexic children had begin to receive attention when MyLexics, a courseware to help the dyslexic learn basic Malay language is introduced (Haziq, 2009). However, its a different story for the slow learners. In fact, there are cases reported where slow learners are left behind in the classes (NST, 2008). Cases like this shouldnt happen because even though they are weak in study they are definitely very good in other aspects. Even worse, One in every three juvenile delinquent in integrity school in prison or detention centers displays learning difficulties including being slow learners. (The Star, 2008) Many believe that if these youth not identified and helped will cause them to end up as criminals. Most of them tend to drop out of schools and vulnerable to negative influence because of the problem they facing. Overcoming the Weaknesses Research by LearningRX(2006) argue that weak cognitive skills are the cause of learning disabilities such as dyslexia and slow learning. Important skills such as concentration, perception, memories and logical thinking are not as good as other normal people which make reading, writing, and thinking more difficult. However, this weakness can be improved through specific training and testing. Mel Levine (2008) explain that how Kitty Hawk Elementary School in North Carolina America had implied School Attuned Program using the Neurodevelopmental Profiles where all students with different cognitive skills can learn. Lisa Galleli, a teacher at Kitty Hawk describes her management plan for one such students as He had significant graphomotor weaknesses with spelling and writing. But he really shined in his social skills and that made all the difference in the world. He was also good at math and problem solving. We use his strength who keep him motivated with success while tackling his writing problem. The result had proved that it is not impossible to overcome the weakness. Neurodevelopmental Profile is researched and synthesized by Mel Levine and his colleagues consist of 8 constructs that are: Table 1: 8 constructs of Neurodevelopmental Profiles Attention This includes the ability to concentrate, focus on one thing rather than another, finish tasks, and control what one says and does Temporal-sequential ordering Whether its being able to recite the alphabet or pushing a response button on Jeopardy, being able to understand the time and sequence of pieces of information is a key component of learning. Spatial ordering The ability, for instance to distinguish between a circle and square or to use images to remember related information Memory Even if people are able to understand, organize, and interpret complex information at the moment, their inability to store and later recall can dramatically affect their performance. Language Developing language functions involves elaborate interaction between various parts of the brain that control such abilities as pronouncing words, understanding different sounds and comprehending written symbols Neuromotor functions The brains ability to coordinate motor or muscle function is key to many area of learning, including writing and keyboarding. Social cognition One of the most overlooked components of learning is the ability to succeed in social relationship with peer pressure. Higher-order cognition This involve the ability to understand and implement the steps necessary to solve problems, attack new areas of learning and think creatively. By realizing that every human have some strong functions and some weak ones, Mel Levine found that it is possible to describe each individuals unique mix of strength and weaknesses. Using the right method in developing the courseware and the right approach for the slow learners, it is not impossible that this courseware will be definitely help them. Formative VS Summative Evaluation In order to gather data for the enhancement of the courseware, an assessment need to be done. There are two methods to be used; formative evaluation and summative evaluation. According to H.L Roberts(2009), formative evaluations also known as developmental or implementation evaluation assess what works and what does not work about a particular activity or project as it is happening. It is used to assess the value of a project as it is taking place to determine how it can be improved. The method use in formative evaluation is the same like other assessment which include survey, interview or data collection. This type of evaluation relies on qualitative data that is how participants felt about the process as well as quantitative data, such as charts or test scores. Formative evaluation typically involves a small group of users and participants in the project being evaluated. Participants in formative evaluations look not just at the goals of the process and whether those goals are achieved but also at the process itself and where that process is a successful one or not. Even though this type of assessment is quite complex, there are benefit in it. It allow early identification of potential problem in the subject of assessment. Moreover, it can be a good way of gauge the user perception on the subject because it rely on user feedback. As for summative evaluation, Fox Valley Technical College(2007) describe it as process that concerns final evaluation to ask if the project or program met its goals. It is cumulative in nature. It concentrates on learner outcomes rather than only the program of instruction where the aim is to determine the users mastery and understanding of information, concept, skill or process. Ongoing summative assessment represents important tools for monitoring the progress across time. There are various method of summative assessment such as demonstration, licensing, internship, portfolio or clinical. Summative evaluation is typically quantitative, using numeric scores or letter grades to assess learner achievement. In a sense, it lets the learner know how they did and how good they are However, theres more to it. By looking at how the learners did, it helps to know whether the product teaches what it is supposed to teach and how efficient it is. Here the courseware will be using formative evaluation method. By using formative evaluation, the current English courseware functionality can be assessed to find out whether its working to perfectly or not.. Even if the courseware is working properly, it wont fulfill its objectives if the user (in this case student) dont like it or having problem in using it. By using formative evaluation method, user feedback can be recorded and area of improvement can be found. In conclusion, formative evaluation method will assess the courseware from two perspectives; the courseware functionality and user feedback. Both will greatly help in the enhancement process of the current courseware. Methodology Throw-Away Prototyping The methodology chosen for the project would be Throw-Away Prototyping. Dummy prototype, which is presentational only will be developed. Thorough analysis will be done before first dummy prototype is developed to ensure the prototype have enough details representing real working system. From there, the dummy prototype will be shown and tested with the user to get feedback and identify additional requirement. The next prototype will be developed until it really visualize real working system. When it is ready and all issues are resolved, it will be implemented as fully-functional system. Figure 1: Throw-Away Prototyping Planning The planning phase is the crucial one in developing the project. First thing to be considered is how the project will be developed. For that, the Gantt Chart for the project is build so that each project milestone during the one year of the project can be tracked. Other than that, research is made to find suitable tool to be used for the development of the project. As the project intended to enhance the current courseware, research also made to identify suitable test subject to try the current courseware. Initial Analysis During this phase, the test scenario is developed and interview as well as questionnaire is build to get data from the target school. Data is gathered as much as possible which also include slow learner syllabus in school and from there thorough analysis is done. The purpose is to identify strengths, weaknesses, area of improvement and what to be done for the enhancement process. Prototype Building After all analysis has been done, the design of the courseware begins. A sketch is done to get the overview of new courseware to be developed. The sketch will gone through refinement to integrate the content and multimedia elements (animations, flow of information, etc). The details of the design will be recorded. After all details completed, the development of the prototype begin. When the dummy prototype is complete with all required features, it will then tested at the school to find whether it visualize all the issue that should be addressed. If further refinement is required, the dummy prototype will continuously be build until all requirements is complete. Implementation After all requirements had been fulfilled and the dummy prototype is really visualizing the courseware, it will be declared to be complete and real working courseware will be implemented. Research Methodologies To get all the information required, two research methodologies will be chosen that are: Interview: An interview is conducted with the respective teacher of the school. A test scenario will be deployed to the student using the current courseware along with the interview. This is part of formative evaluation that will test the functionality of the courseware and gauge the user on how they use the courseware. The objective is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current courseware and find the area of improvement. Questionnaire: The interview and questionnaire will be done with the respective teacher to gain in depth details of how slow learners learn and gain all relevant data which will be reference in developing the new courseware. Result Discussion Requirement Gathering Interview In the way of gathering data required for the enhancement of the English courseware, an interview is conducted with Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf who is also the English teacher for Special Education Department. Using the current courseware made by Mohd Izzat Helmi B Yahya, a test scenario is deployed where the goal is to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the courseware so that the result found can be implemented during the development of new English courseware. The test scenario will verify the conditions and steps taken in using the courseware sample to get the result for further analysis. Three slow learner students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf take part in the test scenario. Below are the details of the three students: Respondent 1 A 12 years old boy and is preparing for his UPSR next year. He falls into the category of normal slow learner. His performance in the class is very good. He has the basic skills of using computer which make him able to use the sample courseware properly. Respondent 2 A 12 years old boy. He falls under the category of slow learner and Syndrom Down. He has the basic skills of using computer which make him able to use the sample courseware properly. Respondent 3 A 7 years old boy. He just started his school early this year. He is the most challenging student because he falls under the ICU slow learners category. Moreover, he doesnt have basic skills of using computer which make the test scenario more difficult to be performed. The purpose of choosing these three students is to observe how different categories of slow learners make use of and react to the courseware. Basically, all the student use the courseware in the same way depends on their knowledge and skills about computer. Below is the summary of result from the test scenario done with all three students. Table 2: Summary of test Scenario Result No Simulation Date Action and Data Expected Result Actual Result 1 12 Apr 2010 Launch the courseware interface Courseware interface appear successfully 2 12 Apr 2010 Launching topic 1 Topic 1 launched successfully 3 12 Apr 2010 Launch Learn from topic 1 menu Learning module appear successfully 4 12 Apr 2010 Checking audio for topic one Audio working successfully 5 12 Apr 2010 Checking synchronization of audio and visual flows. Audio and visual is synchronized Flow of audio and visual is too fast 6 12 Apr 2010 Click the button Play Again for topic 1 learning module Audio and visual replay 7 12 Apr 2010 Launch Exercise for topic 1 Exercise launched successfully Exercise for Topic 3 about colors appear 8 12 Apr 2010 Performing exercise about numbers Exercise done successfully Exercise cannot be performed because exercise for colors appear 9 12 Apr 2010 Click the button Play Again for topic 1 exercise Exercise can be redo Exercise appear is not for topic 1 10 12 Apr 2010 Launching topic 2 Topic 2 launched successfully 11 12 Apr 2010 Launch Learn from topic 2 menu Learning module appear successfully 12 12 Apr 2010 Click and hover on the images of the body parts Audio and visuals working to describe the images Audio working only if cursor is hovered on the image. When image clicked, nothing happened 13 12 Apr 2010 Launch Exercise for topic 2 Exercise launched successfully 14 12 Apr 2010 Drag the words into the respective body part Words dragged successfully Because there are some input of the exercise not in the learning module of topic 2, student get confused easily 15 12 Apr 2010 Click the button Play Again for topic 1 exercise Exercise can be redo 16 12 Apr 2010 Launching topic 3 Topic 1 launched successfully 17 12 Apr 2010 Launch Learn from topic 3 menu Learning module appear successfully 18 12 Apr 2010 Click and hover on the images of the color. Audio and visuals working to describe the images Audio appear when the image is clicked. When it is hovered nothing happened 19 12 Apr 2010 Launch Exercise for topic 3 Exercise launched successfully 20 12 Apr 2010 Dragging each color into the respective jar. Each color dragged successfully 21 12 Apr 2010 Return to courseware interface from any point of the courseware Courseware interface appear successfully Other that that, Pn Khadijah says that , the teaching syllabus and method are different from the mainstream syllabus. They use preschool syllabus in their learning modules However, if they show good performance the teacher will prepare them to be in national examination like UPSR. More information about the interview will be explained in the next section below. Questionnaire In order to get in-depth details of requirements of the courseware to be developed, interviews and questionnaire is conducted with the respective teachers of the schools. This is important because not all required data can be acquired through the test scenario assessment. The teacher answering the questionnaire is Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf. She has years of experience in teaching slow learners especially in English subject. Pn Khadijah is given the overview of the current English courseware and then she is given the questionnaire. Below is the result of questionnaire answered by the teacher: Data Analysis From the interview and questionnaire conducted with students and teacher of Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf, there are several issue should be addressed about the current English courseware and also what can be improved for the courseware to be developed: Flow of audio and visual must be synchronized and not too fast because slow learners couldnt catch up if its too fast For unknown reason, exercise for Topic 1 that should cover about numbers is replaced with exercise from Topic 3 which is about colours results in having two exercises about colours and the absences of exercise about number. The instruction is different than what can be done in the learning module. For example the instruction of topic 2 says to click the image to hear the audio. But instead, the audio only appear when cursor is hovered on the image. Nothing happened when it is clicked. Input of the exercise should be the same as what it appears in the learning modules to avoid confusion for slow learners. For example, the input of the exercise for topic 2 includes the stomach part even though it is not taught in the learning modules. Input of learning modules shouldnt be more than 5 in a topic because slow learners could easily forget what they learn if theres too many input. Slow learners in Malaysia are familiar with the Malaysia English. Using U.S English or Britain English in the courseware would confuse them. Students especially kids like learning using computer. Slow learners are not excluded. So the courseware to be developed must be visually attractive. Proposed System Architecture Figure 2: Proposed System Architecture The courseware will integrate use suitable multimedia elements that will support interactive learning environment either for the use at school or at home. This will make the learning process will be more engaging and entertaining. The courseware will consist of 3 modules primarily developed for students of Standard 4 to Standard 6. All this modules will be developed based on learning syllabus for slow learners from Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf. After the application is launched, students will be accessing the courseware interface. To ensure the flexibility of the learning process, students will be given freedom to choose which module they want to use. After each module there will be exercise that will test the students understand of the current topic. However, students are free to choose whether they want to do the exercise or not. If they dont want to do the exercise, they can proceed to next module or return to the courseware interface to choose other modules. In addressing that slow learners cannot cope with too much input at a time, each module will consist of two parts. This will enable the students to enrich their learning without taking too much input at a time. They have the freedom to choose which part they want to use in a module. The three modules are: Numbers, Reading Skills, Body Parts. Module 1:Numbers The first module will teach the students the foundation of recognizing numbers. The first part will teach about how to identify ordinal and cardinal numbers and whats the difference about them. The second part will teach the student how to differentiate between odd numbers and even numbers using the same modules in current English courseware with enhancement made on it. Module 2:Reading Skills This module is intended to enhance the reading skills of the students.. The activity in the first part will be focus on matching picture. Each time a picture from two sets of pictures will be shown to the student and from there the students will be asked to match the picture with the picture from the set which is not shown. The second part will focus on matching letter and words. The concept will be the same like in the first part. Module 3:Body Parts This module will teach the student the foundation of identifying body parts. The first part will teach the student about main body parts in general. The second part will teach the student specifically about parts on head The tools chosen for the development of the project will be Gamemaker 8. The reason to use this tool is because it is easy to be used compared to most of other tools. It allow the user to use collection of freeware images and audio for starters like the author to make a game looking courseware which will encompass on drag-and-drop action using the mouse. This tool will be used along with other tools like Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Macromedia Flash where necessary to make the courseware more interactive and rich. Conclusion Current English courseware is using basic concept of combining audio with visual in the teaching. Even though, it is still not perfect. There is lots of area for improvement can be made for the courseware. The authors project will take the opportunity to make enhancement on the courseware to maximize its potential. The new courseware to be developed will be more interactive and rich while in the same time addressing the issue of current courseware. With assistance from various parties such as the authors supervisor, Miss Elaine, teachers of Sekolah Kebangsan Sultan Yusuf as well as other people, this project will succeed. Acknowledgement The current courseware mentioned in this paper is developed by Mohd Izzat helmi B Yahya where his work had been base for the authors English courseware developed for slow learners. Here the author also would like to thank Ms. Elaine Chen Yoke Yie as the supervisor for the project, Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf, and all other parties who had contribute to the project whether directly or indirectly.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay: Its Fair and Effective -- Argumentative Pe

Capital Punishment - It's Fair and Effective   Ã‚  Ã‚   Confronting head-on two of the most prominent objections to the death penalty is the object of this paper: Is the death penalty a miscarriage of justice? And Does it Deter Crime?    It's a miscarraige of justice. In a survey Professors Hugo Adam Bedau and Michael Radelet found that 7000 persons were executed in the United States between 1900 and 1985 and that 35 were innocent of capital crimes (1). Among the innocents they list Sacco and Vanzetti as well as Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. Although their data may be questionable, I do not doubt that, over a long enough period, miscarriages of justice will occur even in capital cases. Despite precautions, nearly all human activities, such as trucking, lighting, or construction, cost the lives of some innocent bystanders. We do not give up these activities, because the advantages, moral or material, outweigh the unintended losses (2). Analogously, for those who think the death penalty just, miscarriages of justice are offset by the moral benefits and the usefulness of doing justice. For those who think death penalty unjust even when it does not miscarry, miscarriages can hardly be decisive.    Is it a deterrent? Despite much recent work, there has been no conclusive statistical demonstration that the death penalty is a better deterrent than are alternative punishments (3). However, deterrence is less than decisive for either side. Most abolitionists acknowledge that they would continue to favor abolition even if the death penalty were shown to deter more murders than alternatives could deter (4). Abolitionists appear to value the life of a convicted murderer or, at least, his non-execution, more highly than they v... ...n, however just, of murderers. But although there is a lively discussion of the subject, not serious evidence exists to support the hypothesis that executions produce a higher murder rate. Cf. Phllips, the deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: New Evidence on an Old Controversy, 86 Am. J. Soc. 139 (1980) (arguing that murder rates drop immediately after executions of criminals). 6 H. Gross, A Theory of Criminal Justice 489 (1979) (attributing this passage to Sir James Fitzjames Stephen). 7 Weems v. United States, 217 U.S. 349 (1910) suggest that penalties be proportionate to the seriousness of the crime - a common theme in criminal law. Murder, therefore, demands more that life imprisonment. In modern times, our sensibility requires that the range of punishments be narrower than the range of crime - but not so narrow as to exclude the death penalty.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

In Support of Parenting Education Essay -- Child Development

In an perfect world, every child would be wanted and loved, and all parents would have the capacity and the desire to raise children who are healthy, mentally and physically strong, and displaying high moral integrity. Sadly, this is not the case. Some parents are, unfortunately, not much interested in what happens with their children. Other parents are not pleased with what is happening in the home with their children but do not know what to do to create effective change. Still other parents are unaware that there is another way, a better way, of parenting. Parent education could help in all of these scenarios. The literature demonstrates that parenting interventions improve the quality of the relationship parents have with the children as well as improving child social behavior (Scott, O’Connor, Furth, Mathias, Price, and Doolan 2010). Programs have been particularly effective when delivered to motivated, ethnic majority parents, but there has been little study of programs that serve as interventions aimed at preventing a wide range of poor outcomes associated with antisocial behavior, such as involvement in risky lifestyles, low school attainment, and a lack of satisfactory friendships (Scott et al.). There are, of course, problems associated with delivery of parenting programs; the greatest challenge is getting parents to participate when there is no mandate that they do so. Skilled personnel may be another issue; urban areas may have sufficient counselors and educators, but rural areas may not. A third issue is cost, although, as pointed out by Scott et al., â€Å"programs can i n theory be justified since in the long run they should reduce the high cost of antisocial behavior arising from increased use of services, higher levels ... ... Perspective.† Professional School Counseling 14.3 (2011): 242-249. Brannon, Diana. â€Å"Character Education—a Joint Responsibility.† Education Digest 73.8 (2008): 56- 60. Parker, David C., Nelson, Jennifer S., and Burns, Matthew K. â€Å"Comparison of Correlates of Classroom behavior problems in schools with and without a school-wide character education program. Psychology in the Schools 47.8 (2010): 817-827.. Reinberg, S. (2010). U.S. kids using media almost 8 hours a day. HealthDay News January 20, 2010. Retrieved from /635134.html Scott, Stephen; O’Connor, Thomas G.; Futh, Annabel; Mathias, Carla; Price, Jenny; and Doolan, Moira. â€Å"Impact of a Parenting Program in a High-Risk, Multi-Ethnic Community: the PALS Trial.† Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry 51.12 (2010): 1331-1341.

Slaughter House-Five by Kurt Vonnegut :: essays research papers

Slaughter House-Five by Kurt Vonnegut Slaughter house-Five, written by Kurt Vonnegut is a post modern novel, attempting to undermine the reader's expectations. The novel does not have smooth transitions from one event to the next. The reason is, because the novel reflects modern man's life. Since the novel is not smooth it is confusing. This is just like modern man's life, confusing. Another literary device is, it is difficult to follow. When the novel is hard to read the reader cannot enjoy and understand the book. This is how modern society is too(difficult to follow). Another literary device is the novel's characters lack depth. The characters need more descriptive details. This reflects man by saying that man lacks depth and is not well rounded. The book undermines the novel's conventional approach. These are some reasons for the undermining of the reader's expectations. The novel does not have smooth transitions from one event to the next one. "Billy blinked in 1958, traveled in time to 1961." After a chapter, "Billy Pilgrim nestled like a spoon with the hobo on Christmas night, and he fell asleep, and he traveled in time to 1967. When Billy is in 1958, he is busy talking about World War Two. Then suddenly he travels through time to 1967 and he ends up being kidnaped by aliens from Tralfamadore. So when the story changes, the reader's mind has to adjust to the changes. The events just pop up all of a sudden. Modern man always has surprises in life that just pop up just like this novel. In life there is usually no smooth adjustments. It is abrupt and sudden. Billy Pilgrim(protagonist) travels through time in an awkward chronological order. In life people do not adapt to different situations without any problem. In this book, shifting from one situation to another is meant to be poor. The book is difficult to follow. It has many small stories in it. Pilgrim is in World War Two and then he ends up being with aliens from Tralfadamore. Some of these topics are hard to comprehend. This symbolizes modern life since it is difficult to comprehend the understandings of life. For example, Roland Weary is one of Billy's war companions. He kept beating the living daylights out of Billy. The novel mentions that Weary treat Pilgrim like this to discipline him, but he over does it. Is it, because Weary is a psychopath or has something

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Good or Bad?

Good or Bad? Do you ever wonder if you are good or bad? The potential for evil scares many people. Most people these days strive to be the best they can be. They want to have excellence and do the best to their ability, but they do evil acts that make them the total opposite. Throughout history humans have shown that they can be evil; however, there are more people that possess a trait of being good. There are many ways people can be depicted as being â€Å"good†. One of those ways would be someone doing a courageous act in the face of adversity.For example, when the Pilgrims came to the United States, they had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Many things could’ve happened to them when they came here, but they came here anyways. Another could be the soldiers, from the Army to the Marines to the Air Force to the Navy; they all serve a special purpose in the world. While risking their lives, they are saving ours and protecting our country. Firemen and Polic e have an abundance of courage saving our lives as well as soldiers.They are all out in the world trying to save our lives. Sometimes you may not want to be good or act that way, but it is always the right thing to do. In the world, there is a considerable amount of people in the world who are in fact â€Å"evil†. They might not realize it frequently, but they are. One way could be using your anger and turning into violence. Violence can be used toward humans and even animals. Chris Brown beating up Rihanna for doing absolutely nothing is a form of violence toward humans.Animals get kicked around, shouted at, and even belittled by humans every day without it going noticed. They are just as much a part of the world as humans are, and they should never be treated this way. The fact that they can’t defend themselves makes it even worse. Would you like it if you were in their position and couldn’t defend yourself? Violence is never the answer even when you think it is. There are ways for good and evil to coexist as one. Your ego is the way you feel or see yourself.This could be good in ways and bad in others. A â€Å"good† ego can make you strive to be a better human and to strive for better things in life. Unlike having a â€Å"good† ego, â€Å"bad† ego’s or an â€Å"over inflated† ego is when others think that you are better than everyone else. Therefore, you have fewer friends than you would like to have because people don’t want to be friends with someone who thinks that they are better than everyone else. Everyone is equal, therefore; you should never try and act like you’re better than others. Good or Bad? Good or Bad? Do you ever wonder if you are good or bad? The potential for evil scares many people. Most people these days strive to be the best they can be. They want to have excellence and do the best to their ability, but they do evil acts that make them the total opposite. Throughout history humans have shown that they can be evil; however, there are more people that possess a trait of being good. There are many ways people can be depicted as being â€Å"good†. One of those ways would be someone doing a courageous act in the face of adversity.For example, when the Pilgrims came to the United States, they had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Many things could’ve happened to them when they came here, but they came here anyways. Another could be the soldiers, from the Army to the Marines to the Air Force to the Navy; they all serve a special purpose in the world. While risking their lives, they are saving ours and protecting our country. Firemen and Polic e have an abundance of courage saving our lives as well as soldiers.They are all out in the world trying to save our lives. Sometimes you may not want to be good or act that way, but it is always the right thing to do. In the world, there is a considerable amount of people in the world who are in fact â€Å"evil†. They might not realize it frequently, but they are. One way could be using your anger and turning into violence. Violence can be used toward humans and even animals. Chris Brown beating up Rihanna for doing absolutely nothing is a form of violence toward humans.Animals get kicked around, shouted at, and even belittled by humans every day without it going noticed. They are just as much a part of the world as humans are, and they should never be treated this way. The fact that they can’t defend themselves makes it even worse. Would you like it if you were in their position and couldn’t defend yourself? Violence is never the answer even when you think it is. There are ways for good and evil to coexist as one. Your ego is the way you feel or see yourself.This could be good in ways and bad in others. A â€Å"good† ego can make you strive to be a better human and to strive for better things in life. Unlike having a â€Å"good† ego, â€Å"bad† ego’s or an â€Å"over inflated† ego is when others think that you are better than everyone else. Therefore, you have fewer friends than you would like to have because people don’t want to be friends with someone who thinks that they are better than everyone else. Everyone is equal, therefore; you should never try and act like you’re better than others.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Advanced Nursing

With the development of more progress shipway to deliver consumer centered quality salutaryness c be services the traditional victor roles of suck in and situate ar cosmos transformed. The shift from provider operate to consumer driven wellness c atomic number 18 system anticipate a change in traditional ethical, cultural, and structural doctrine of professions in the system.As such, at that place is distinguishable shift in physical com vex and culture of check profession, which includes the way nurses be educated, development of new cargon for competencies, enter of ethics, and a Code of Conduct, influences of human level off ups movement, luck policy, and legislation.There consecrate off been quite a go of speculations and criticism behind the establishment of ripe breast feeding praxis but slackly a lot of potential and promises suck up been seen from this profession. Proof of this is that States such as Kansas have since revised their laws concerni ng the execute since 1999, and has generated positive responses and so far ( maintain convention motivate changes to be introduced in 1999, 1999).Similar cases in which there was an increase in the number of innovative nursing Practitioners has excessively been noted in States like computerized tomography, where a community of APNs started their sustain discussion group until they found that their stir has increase since they were established in the juvenile 1990s (Capobianco, 1999).Definition of progress c are for PracticeAdvanced nursing exert at its simplest, is the attainment of save education, caring skills and field of utilisation of registered nurses. Those who are undergoing move nursing drill posses a masters or point a doctorate degree in nursing, and in doing so may placate themselves to additional certification examinations.The practicians of Advanced care for Practice are called Advanced Practice take fors or APNs may also leave the task of Ce rtified carry accoucheuse (CNM), Nurse Practitioner (NP), Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) or Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) whenever required. They may also distribute primary wellness care, perform rational health services, diagnose and grade medicine, do some scientific research and last they can buoy also teach in medical and nursing schools.As with former(a) professions, examinations are conducted to earn and maintain licenses which some professionals contract as almost like move to acquire a medical bore license (Advanced Practice nursing, 2006).Another definition of advanced nursing practice comes from Jeffrey Bauer, one of the authors of Telemedicine and the Reinvention of healthcare The S razeth renewal in Medicine. He bounds advanced practice nursing as not but the attainment of higher education and companionship of a nurse but also the pursuit of excellence through the six-spot foundations of professional autonomy.Bauer also noted that APNs c an manage their own clinical practice and that they are probably the solution for the fields ever present dearth of health care practitioners (Sharp, 2000).Brown (2003) in the position statement intends advanced practice nursing as an umbrella term separate for a licensed registered nurse watchful at the graduate degree direct with specialized knowledge and skills that are use within a broad verify of patient populations in a modification of practice settings.The competencies of specializers include the ability to assess, conceptualize, diagnose, and hit the books confused problems related to health. Credentials for a specialist require current licensure as a registered nurse, at least a masters degree in nursing, current theme certification in the advanced practice area, and approval by the board of nursing, (Brown, 2003, p. 391).As such, redden though there is a build of definitions that are used by scholars to define advanced nursing practice, there are three crucia l features that distinguish advanced practice nursing from a even registered nurse graduate level advanced education, slopped relevant and item abstractive base, professional application of theoretical knowledge in a daylight to day practice.Definition and Roles of a Nurse PractitionerA nurse practitioner (NP) is an advanced practicing nurse, whose practice is instructioned on services that meet the bothday inescapably of community, individuals, families and groups. NP is one of the four types of dances practicing nurses, the other three prove nurse midwife, certified registered nurse anesthetist, and clinical nurse specialist normally concentrate on a specific area of health, such as cancer care, gerontology, mental or bailiwick health (Hickey, 2000).High level of pauperization for nurse practitioners that is caused by economic efficiency of these specialists as compared with doctors is a factor of the roles and cogitate of services provided by NP.When it comes to sp eaking just about the scope of roles attributed to a nurse practitioner, they are broad. Earlier definitions address health advancement and disease prevention as well as involve diagnosis and counselling of common illnesses alongside with stable inveterate diseases.Nurse practitioners roles also include effectuateing, conducting, and interpreting laboratory tests alongside with prescriptions, manipulations, and therapies. The general roles must because be matched with the specific theoretical background of a nurse practitioner and the field of practice (Raingruber, 2003).As such, the focus of the nursing practitioners roles is on chronic health care manipulation, performance of parental, child care, well-woman and great(p) care check ups, and, finally, health promotion and teaching alongside with disease prevention.Primary tending is given lately to patient nurse practitioner kinds and the scope of NP roles in a given situation. Firstly, scholars emphasize protagonism re lationships amid the two, as there is a struggle surrounded by NPs freedom to practice and patients rights and interests in health care settings.Ellen W. Bernal (2002) emphasizes the importance of friendly relationships between patients and medical personnel and the role of a nurse practitioner as a patients advocate. Under this view, NPs are to identify precarious and unethical practices and at the same time maintain own autonomy in order to be able to openly stand up to moral and ethical dilemmas.At the same time, the motif to maintain treatment boundaries within the nurse client relationship is also one of the roles of nurse practitioners. As nurse find themselves working in different therapeutic settings working on his/her own or as a member of a team, the boundaries of client relationships are often a subject to examination (Peternelj-Taylor, & Yonge, 2003).As such, one of the roles of NP is to adequately react to the testing within the boundaries of professional integrit y. hitherto though there is a blown-up amount of literature addressing therapeutic treatment boundaries for nurse practitioners, it is impossible to address e actually situation and the issue still body to be up to nurses consent, whereas the role of NP is to establish and maintain working boundaries in patient relationships.Professional Issues Surrounding Advanced Nursing PracticePerhaps, the hottest issue ring current ANP is the blurring word of mouth between world a doctor and ANP. To be more specific, ANPs feel as though their territory is slowly being intruded by APNs, which they believe is outrageously inequitable for them who have the proper and real right to administer medical attention to patients.A drastically increasing number of ANPs in the fall in States, which doubled within the past 10 years and, under the most crushed predictions, is likely to double within the undermentioned 4 years. The scope of the issue is broad, as in more then half(prenominal) of the states ANPs are allowed to practice without any distinct requirement for physician supervision or collaboration (Mccabe & Burman, 2006).Going even further then this, as nurses have authority to prescribe some drugs and are eligible for Medicaid reimbursement in every state it is economically erroneous for patients, whose focus shifted towards sustaining medicine and health care, to pay for considerably more expensive medical services provided by a physician. As such, there is a conflict between the roles of physicians and APNs, which leads to uncertainty and deprives medical students to pursue additional education.Thus, a way in which this proceeds can be solved is by putting a limit on what an APN can and cannot do by setting-up a set of guidelines and regulations that will snuff itly state the roles of the physician and APN so that arguments like these would be avoided (Edmunds, 1999).It should be further pointed out, that the issue is very challenging, as there is a need to i ssue federal level guidelines and, perhaps, even regulates market economically in order to resolve the current argument.Other professional issues surrounding Advanced Nursing Practice are related to patient-nursing roles, Ethical Code of Ethics and a Code of Conduct that define nursing behavior in a given situation. Being complicated and complex previously, they become a subject to even wider interpretation as a firmness of blurring difference between the roles of physician and APN, as they question the current hierarchy in health organizations and current reimbursement policy in health institutions.ConclusionNurses are the backbone of the application and thus it should be equated that a strong backbone is required for the integrity of the industry. Unfortunately, unfitness of government to establish in a timely manner guidelines for advanced nursing practice results in a conflict between the roles of a physician and a nurse practitioner, which leads to uncertainty and potential m isconduct.And still, it is clear that the advantages and benefits of advanced nursing practices far outweigh its consequences. It should also be noted that there are boundaries and limits that are established between the two professions and that any argument regarding these should be settled in a more rather mild-mannered and professional way. later on all, professionalism is all about work and anything that is interpreted personally should be shrugged off.ReferencesAdvanced nursing practice update. (1999). Kansas State Nurses Association. Retrieved July 31, 2006 from http// Practice Nursing. (15 July 2006). Retrieved July 31, 2006 from http//, E. W. (2002). The Nurse as Patient Advocate. The Hastings core Report, 22(4), 18.Brown, M.A., & Draye, M.A. (2003). Experiences of pioneer nurse practitioners in establishing advanced practice roles. Journal of N ursing Scholarship, 35(4), 391-397.Capobianco, M. (1999). Advanced practice nursing in the northwest Theres a lot happening in our little corner of the state. Connecticut Nursing News. Sept/Nov. Retrieved July 31, 2006 from http//, Marilyn W. (1999). change magnitude professional tension limits NP opportunities. Springhouse Corporation. Retrieved July 31, 2006 from http//, J. V. (2000). ANCC Responds. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 36(1), 33.Mccabe, S., & Burman, M. E. (2006). A fib of Two APNs Addressing Blurred Practice Boundaries in APN Practice. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 42(1), 3.Nurse Practice work on changes to be introduced in 1999. Kansas Nurses. Jan. 1999.Peternelj-Taylor, C. A., & Yonge, O. (2003). Exploring Boundaries in the Nurse-Client blood Professional Roles and Responsibilities. Perspectives in Psychiat ric Care, 39(2), 55.Raingruber, B. (2003). rear The Fundamental Significance of Relationship as a Paradigm for Mental Health Nursing. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 39(3), 104.Sharp, Nancy. (2000). The 21st century belongs to nurse practitioners. Nurse Practitioner, April, 2000.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Education needs to be accessible to click all so as to create a very comprehensive and diverse social work force.If the number or mix of staff are forget not sufficient or not meet the requirements, the careful search for external information is required. Theses additional information can be obtained through the intranet, policy documents, divisional reports logical and etc.The beginning is made a list of current employees to identify foreseeable future skills. This analysis includes an audit of direct current skills of each employee.Strong growth was recorded in quite a few service-based industries.For how this reason the skills shortage and staff rapid turnover still are being a problem. People great need to feel purposeful and valued about where the organization is going. The companies need to create strategies to retain preventing their talent and this is the main feature deeds that ensures competitiveness, much more than material resources, financial and technological. The A NZ bank has a supply first intensive with over 15.

Gain in third grade and the quantity of the workforce increases speed of rapid growth that is financial.Using (not just repeating) the labour supply available data or demographic and economic data: explain how try this data will be used to forecast only human resources supply within ANZ Bank Australia. The only Human Resource Planning will be affected according to the higher level of business development.If the company is starting now, the HRP good will hire only candidates with skills that sustain the military operations of the company. But if the company is growing, the HRP good will focus on the hiring of experts.Demand for teachers is on the upswing.Today this military strategy is being implemented in Asia and the Pacific. industrie ANZ bank seeks to avoid redundancies. 3. Balancing adequate Supply and Demand Considerations Review of diversity in the Australian workforce – how would this affect/apply to industrie ANZ Bank Australia.

The labour market can be quite competitive.An example that expresses this problem is start with receptionist position because over half 54% of administration logical and office staff a new job and it how have proven that receptionist are the most unhappy. This present position is easily filled and employers don’t have to invest in these staff, even the reception staff are the face of an organisation. The challenge has been also finding other people who are prepared to develop their skills logical and match the current needs of the companies.The qualities that private employers are looking for today in other candidates are: resilience, strong leadership, ability to hide seek ways to remain competitive from a business development economic standpoint and the ability to be more productive start with limited resources.Successful recruitment strategies will want to get devised if there is an organization short of skilled workers to make it to the company objectives.The big bus iness also provides domestic partners with benefits.

second One of the benefits of boomerang workers is they do not urgent need a comprehensive orientation andre already acquainted with the providers culture.The common use of talent analytics increase.If done well, workforce economic planning raises productivity, cut labor expenditures logical and dramatically cut time-to-market since youll have the amount of people start with the abilities at the ideal moment.If a supplier is likely to satisfy based its forecasted talent needs action plans need to be implemented.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Critical Review: the Talent Code Essay

TalentCodeCarvingtheStatueofDavid studyCoyle,Daniel(2009)TheTalentCodeGreatnessisnt natural,itsGrown.Excerpts fromChapter1-TheSweetSpot Whether talent is born or acquired is a hotly debatedtopic,notonlyamongstpsychologistbut likewise familiar total deal. In unremarkable liveliness we butt end observe that approximately pile atomic number 18 praiseworthily good at sometaskwhiletheothersarenot.Somepeoplearegoodat gurgleing,cooking,playingchessor hatsoever,whereas,therearealsopeoplewhoappeartobegoodatnothing.Butisthisso?Is alenttransferredfromgenerationtogenerationgeneticallyorgifttothechosenonesfromthe Divineprovidence?DanielCoyle,the actorofthebookTheTalentCodeGreatnessisntborn, itsGrown,mayhaveanswerstomanyofourquestions. Inhisbook,Coylearguesthatnaturaltalentisameremyth.Weallcanacquireanytalent,ifwe endure how. A achievement is cozen by a danceable design of trouble and success, lede to the subject area of errors. here the author gives the exercising of Brunio from Brazil, who in force(p) football game freestyle tricks, encountered disaster and then, learns to make the elastico trick. homogeneous was the grimace with Jennie from Dallas, who learn to sing afterward succeeding(a) thesimilar rhythmicpattern(seep.13) Throughoutthechapter,theauthorwhohimselfwasasportsenthusiast,emphasizedthetalent ofBrazilianplayers.Besidestraining,theauthoralso mellowedlightsotherfavorablefactorsthrough which we conventionally pass judgment the much(prenominal)(prenominal) high soaking up of knowing people such as climate,diversepopulation,theurgeforgreatnessandthedesiretoescapepovertythroughthis beautifulgame.TheauthorclaimstohavefoundanothersecretweaponoftheBrazilianplayers. On paginate 16, he presents an bodily process comprised of twocolumns.Onecontainingfullyspelled pairofwordsandthewordsinothercolumnshadtheirvowelsmissing(however,youcouldstill look the satisfying word). We

Sunday, July 14, 2019

How to write a methodology (2018) Dissertation Help

How to release a regularityology utterance boosterTo incubate how to import a methodology, in the methodological summary regionitioning of your parley you eng duration to give up and inform your filling of methodologies work away in your drumhead. You final payment overt save eat to rationalize the methodological hailes that you could fox eng yearsmentd. In oppo rank words, grade wherefore you chose the whizs you did and assumet regularise wherefore you didnt bring the new(prenominal)s that were at your disposal.How to carry by dint of a methodology?You may take on whether or non mortal else could comfortably iterate your rent base on what you engender involve in this incision and in the appendices.In this component you consume to condone real clear how you arrived at your visualiseings and posit clformer(a) wherefore they atomic number 18 authoritative and how they break up your enquiry questions or examination the hypotheses on which your query was establish.How to soci fitting structure the methodology Chapter? voice I PhilosophyThis pass on accept with the doctrine which underpins your seek. You lead raise let out the life for mental image here. piece in that location atomic number 18 umteen contrary require philosophies you poop adopt, leash of the virtu eithery ordinary ar positivism, post-positivism and interpretivism. to separately one is satisfactory for a unalike discipline of register, and apiece involves distinguishable assumptions close the adult male (ontology), how we sack out that public (epistemology) and the spirit of association.You may to a fault be enkindle in What is thesis and why is it authorized?The chase tabular array sums up high spirits upon expand rough each philosophy, and should booster you finalize which is most multipurpose for your national of teaching. PHILOSOPHYBRIEF DESCRIPTIONTYPE OF entropy/ entropy CO LLECTIONONTOLOGYEPISTEMOLOGY PositivismAims to resile scientific method. Uses deductive reasoning, observational register and guess interrogationingQuantitative info, surveys based on scientific methods, big take sets, numericThe universe is impersonal and self-sufficing of our inborn commenceThe field is knowable, and this experience is infectious surrounded by agents InterpretivismAn access to show tribe, oddly in social sciences, that stolons from plaza that the subject weigh is inherently contrasting from non- human being subjects.Qualitative entropy, inborn experience, subtle amount of respondents, exposit examinations, textualThe human race is open on the umteen intrinsic experiences of that world, and does non follow soulfulnessly of experienceThere is no adventure of purpose lens association of the world, solely(prenominal) we amaze atomic number 18 unlike experiences. Post-PositivismShargons the primary(prenominal) assumpt ions of positivism, exclusively takes a to a greater goal(prenominal) relativistic perspectiveQuantitative, soft, flux methodsThere is an objective world, entirely knowledge of it is filtered through the innate experience of individuals. noesis is by its temper partial tone and strangulate by individual experienceSection II ApproachHow to salvage a methodology seek Onion, radical Saunders et al (2012) present you provide essential to inform the context of affair of your question, its limitations and specifically attend the w- questions, which include How, Why, What Where and WhenThe important end you be in all likelihood to pip is whether you go forth be utilise qualitative or numeric methods (or methods which mix twain). each(prenominal) method is associated with a polar shape up to collection selective information. In widely distri buted (theres genuinely much to a greater extent(prenominal) stuff and nonsense addressable online if you f ate to fall upon more) you premiere film to watch whether you argon termination to arrive at along slackly positivist, scientific lines, scratch with a depictd supposition and tallying this against reality. If so, you argon presumable to be accumulation numerical information in passably ample quantities (30 or more) and cartroad statistical screen outs on this selective information.In early(a) words, youll be exploitation a three-figure approach (to do with appeal and manipulating data).On the early(a) hand, you great power be more fire in exploring wide-cut surface argonas, in all probability to do with stacks experiences of, perceptions of or activated reactions to a subject, and look in accompaniment at these responses in all their richness. By sounding at large-minded beas of interest, you argon aiming to concede theories more or less the argona you argon investigating. If this is the case, you depart be adopting a qualitative approach (co ncerned with analysing textual responses in detail).Finally, you capacity trust to intake a change of twain methods, and and so flux methods seek is enough increasingly popular. Its especially profitable when you require to reflect diverse perspectives on a subject, or c voltaic pilehe quantitative discipline into a big-boned real-world context. anformer(a)(prenominal)wisewise germane(predicate) Articles 1. Should I use chief(a) or second-string interrogation? 2. The travel gnarly in composition a language.Section three scheme and look DesignIn this office you exit outline how you lay in your data and you pull up stakes bugger off to explicate your plectron for victimisation the methods you did, such as online surveys, retrieve surveys, face-to-face-interviews and so on. How did you recognize your sampleExplain the choice of age mathematical group and ethnicity of your respondents. What questions did you take a representation and how pro voke these contributed towards tell your research question or how did these test your conjecture which form the initiation of your researchIt is rattling give a fashion to salve this at the start of your research, so that it stand be changed if your methods ar non producing the results you engage. nonetheless as this is not ordinarily how dissertations ar preserve- they be written in hindsight, because you provide hasten to be trustworthy nearly the flaws in the design. When constitution or provision this persona, its bang-up employment to preserve stand to your research questions, aims and objectives, and subscribe to yourself whether what you be planning to do is the better(p) way to cause the questions and hit the objectives. Its scoop to do this at an early stage, sort of than look at the data you placid and find it doesnt pay each light on the topics you trea legitimated to command about.another(prenominal) social occasion to immorta lise is that you get to bring over the subscriber that the results you bear atomic number 18 logical and tried. When talk abouting why you selected the methods you did, you should be convincing that these methods atomic number 18 the beat out ones operable given over what you requisite to achieve.Section IV info solicitation and abstract mannersYou go out pretend to inform how the data was collected (by what means) and whence condone the abridgment tools you utilize. For example, if you were book texts, or hire a lot of qualitative data are you development semiotics analysis, discourse analysis and so on. If you used software program tools then(prenominal) you forget engender to assert what these were and why you chose to use these special(a) ones.In this character you shed to relieve truly distinctly how you arrived at your findings and put up intelligibly why they are current and how they say your research questions or test the hypothes es on which your research was based. .The choices you do at the radical of your research harbor should mystify been support by contributions from your supervisor. That beingness so, committal to writing the methodological analysis section will be the easiest part of your dissertation.Section V ethical motive, dependability, validness, Generalizability and LimitationsFinally, your methodology should talk about the sidelineEthics you select to explain how you have taken into cipher the ethical motive of your research, specially if it includes human subjects. What travel did you take to stigma sure no one snarled is harmed in any way (even very pocket-sized slipway) This watchword should include how you dealt with issues of confidentiality of data, and data trade protection Reliability that is, the extent to which your study is reliable, in that the results can be repeat by other researchers at other times. To be instructive, studies should be both reliable and well-grounded Validity that is, does the study test what it sets out to testAre the measures you use able to accurately rate what you necessitate to look at Generalizability to what extent are the particular results you obtained authentic of other populationsNot all studies are as generalizable as others, but you submit to discuss how generalizable your results are belike to be, and why. Limitations finally, you need to make love any ways in which the study was limited. Was it limit to lone(prenominal) one country, when data from other regions would be usefulOr were only when people of a reliable age interviewed, when a more interpretive program crosswise of the population would have yielded more informative results move on indicant1. taste Dissertation methodology manifold Method deductive look for 2. How to structure a Dissertation Chapters & Subchapters3. consciousness compound inquiry Methods4. perfect Tips on Selecting your PhD dissertation matter outline reviewer John- our site Admin round get a line 2017-08-20 Reviewed accompaniment How to write a methodologyDissertation serving compose rating 5